Friday, August 29, 2014

Five Star Review: Chasing Sunsets | Eva Marie Everson

When a mid-life divorce strikes control-freak Kimberly Tucker, she has trouble understanding how her perfect marriage with her perfect husband, that produced 2 such perfect boys, has gone so horribly wrong. She fights ex-husband Charlie at every turn.

When her boys leave to spend the first weeks of their summer with Charlie, her father sends her to the family's summer home in the Keys to keep her mind occupied.

Her trip to Cedar Keys is full of revelations...and full of her high school summer love, Steven Granger.

As she makes new friends, repairs old friendships, and rekindles her love with Steven, she finds a little of herself and lets go of a little, too!

This is a great read; another book that I had trouble putting down. Eva Marie Everson very nearly paints pictures with her words and I often felt I was watching a movie instead of reading a book with such vivid imagery!

With the hundreds of free books available on Kindle, and with my Kindle Unlimited subscription, I rarely spend money on e-books (if I must pay, I'd rather have a physical book) but I'm off to buy Waiting for Sunrise because I can't wait until I find it in a store or it gets shipped to me!

*this is not an author-sponsored review*

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